Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C ++ reading text file?

Can someone help me please

I'm asked to develop a C++ program that reads a text file given by the user (e.g. test.txt), and output the frequency of the prepositions contained in the text file on the screen. The program shall provide a simple interface for the user to input the name of a text file and exit the program.

Thanks for your help.

C ++ reading text file?
code for reading the file - everything else should be easy



char *myString = "";

char inFileName[] = "test.txt";


/* opens an existing text file for reading */

ifstream inFile = (inFileName);

if(inFile) // Input file exists and is open


inFile %26gt;%26gt; myString; // read an initial line

while(!inFile.eof()) // while not end of file


// do your stuff with myString here

// make a separate function and call it

inFile %26gt;%26gt; myString; // read a line

} // end while


} // end if

// else show an error message


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