Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to read and store data into variables from a file in C++.?


I need to retrieve data from a sample file and i need to store that retrieved data in to variables.

suppose i have an input file.

Input file:

1. Count=0

2. Data=4

3. Temp =5

4. Time = 30

5. choice 5

I need to store the values from the input file into variables. can any one with good knowledge of C++ can help me out.

Thank You

How to read and store data into variables from a file in C++.?
Minor modification needed, but I need to run!

#include %26lt;string%26gt;

#include %26lt;fstream%26gt;

string buffer;

int count;

int data;

int temp

int time;

int choice;

ifstream fin("file.txt");

fin %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; count;

fin %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; data;

fin %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; temp;

fin %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; time;

fin %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; buffer %26gt;%26gt; choice;
Reply:ifstream fin("test.txt");

string s;

while( getline(fin,s))

cout %26lt;%26lt; s%26lt;%26lt;endl;

you'll need to #include %26lt;ifstream%26gt;

So yeah, its really that simple.
Reply:The last answer looked OK, but this becomes REALLY challenging if you want the program to allocate the variables in the input file dynamically. Currently, I have no way of doing this.

Sorry I can't help you any more than that.

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