Friday, July 31, 2009

How to Execute my EXE or Application File of my C# program in Windows XP.?

I wrote a Program in C# code ( I wrote that in Win 2000 Advace Server ) but when I want to run it's Exe file in Win XP it show me an Error then break, PLZ, Help me it's so important for me.

How to Execute my EXE or Application File of my C# program in Windows XP.?
C#.NET needs a .NET Framework to run your application. May be you just need to download and install .NET Framework,

There are 2 version rigth now, 1.1 and 2.0, by default, try to install the 1.1 to WIN2K and see what happens, but i think this can solve your problem.
Reply:Recompile your source code under Windows XP. Chances are that might work. It's just like if you were to take an exe from Windows and try to execute it on Unix, it wouldn't work. Recompiling may or may not fix your problem. Unless of course you already tried that... and if you did someone who is more of a programmer will have to help.
Reply:hey u if u had used the .net platform then i think there should be no problem,cause i do that way.
Reply:Right-click on the application, then choose the Compatibility tab... then select the operating system from the drop-down list as Windows 2000. It should try to run the application as if in a Windows 2000 environment...

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