Monday, May 24, 2010

Can I make a C program in a seperate file?

I am a beginner in C. I am 14 years old. My question is I use TurboC. I write a simple program eg:to print text. Then I have to compile and run it. Can I make the program like an executable file so I can run the program by just clicking the file.


Can I make a C program in a seperate file?
i work with microsoft visual c++ and as far as i know u cant do it that way..becuase the file will run through the program in which u wrote it u just have to use your program complie it and run it...i dont think there is a way to make it a clickable file.....when u go to your saved work and open it, it just opens it in the program u wrote it the answer to your question would be no
Reply:Select Option Menu then Select Directory sub-menu.

Now you will see a window ask you four path (1. Include 2. Lib 3.Output 4. Source. set source Path, where you want to save your executable file. Like C:\MyExe or D:\MyName

now write your program then compile it and press F9 Function Key, your executable file will store at your desire location.

Reply:When you compile the program, it creates an executable. When you run it, you are effectively "clicking" the executable. Windows will allow you to run a DOS program by double clicking, but the window that it creates will disappear immediately after execution (so you'll have to code your way out of that one). Linux won't let you do this, but if you were a Linux user then you'd probably know that ;)

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