Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whenever I start my computer it shows message as "Cannot find Script File : C:/WINDOWS/boot.ini" and it

hangs for 10 to 15minutes , Can U help me out ?

Whenever I start my computer it shows message as "Cannot find Script File : C:/WINDOWS/boot.ini" and it
First check virus

1. start your computer on safe mode and check virus.

2. If your problem not sovled in first step, u re-install your OS.
Reply:2 steps to fix:

`1. try to insert the operating system CD and then try on repair system. then if that doesn't helps

2. try reinstalling ur system...:-( imp. file might be deleted
Reply:Install the Boot File Properly.
Reply:I had something similar. I had a file that was corrupt due to a trojan and when my anti virus removed it, then I removed it.. It also took that file out..

I had to reformatt my computer.. because once I took that file, it starting having all other problems..
Reply:Your boot script is missing..Try this, copy the below text and paste it in a notepad and save it as boot.ini

[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WI... Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
Reply:transfer your hard disk to another computer running Windows XP....then from that computer's hard disk...locate c:\windows\boot.ini and copy to the transferred hard disk... maybe d:\windows\. return the hard disk to the original computer and start your computer.
Reply:ur pc must b hvng a VIRUS.......u shld not take chance......u shld get it clean........
Reply:BOOT.INI is the boot start menu (and other settings) used at boot time for

Windows NTx, XP and MC.

If you are getting this type of error, I would suspect that you have some

some form of infection - perhaps a Torjan etc.

Try turning off "Hide System Files and/or Protected System Files". In

Explorer go to Tools - Folder Options - View. If that doesn't fix it, goto a

CMD prompt in the windows sirectory and unhide files that way. Make sure to

hide these after you are done!!!

I would suggest reviewing the file in Notepad before any NUKING occurs.

A typical BOOT.INI (found in the Root of the Boot Drive) looks something

like this:

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; START OF BOOT.INI

[boot loader]


default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partiti... S

[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WI... soft Windows XP

Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=alwaysoff

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; END OF BOOT.INI

The comments "Start and End" are delimiting the contents of Boot.ini and are

not actually in the file.

Hope it helps.
Reply:have this boot file from my computer and paste it in C:/ drive of your computer... the boot files are always the same, ur boot file might have got corrupted


Reply:put your windows disc in a boot to repair. if that fails backup all your data, get a pc friend to help you with this by using you harddrive as a big flash drive in a case. then format and reinstall
Reply:The boot.ini file tells your computer where to load Windows from. Microsoft offers the following solution:

To resolve this issue, start the computer from the Windows XP CD, start the Recovery Console, and then use the Bootcfg.exe tool to rebuild the Boot.ini file. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Configure the computer to start from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. For information about how to do this, see your computer documentation, or contact your computer manufacturer.

2. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.

3. When you receive the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD-ROM.

4. When you receive the "Welcome to Setup" message, press R to start the Recovery Console.

5. If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot computer, select the installation that you have to use from the Recovery Console.

6. When you are prompted, type the administrator password, and then press ENTER.

7. At the command prompt, type bootcfg /list, and then press ENTER. The entries in your current Boot.ini file appear on the screen.

8. At the command prompt, type bootcfg /rebuild, and then press ENTER. This command scans the hard disks of the computer for Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows NT installations, and then displays the results. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to add the Windows installations to the Boot.ini file. For example, follow these steps to add a Windows XP installation to the Boot.ini file:

a. When you receive a message that is similar to the following message, press Y:

Total Identified Windows Installs: 1

[1] C:\Windows

Add installation to boot list? (Yes/No/All)

b. You receive a message that is similar to the following message:

Enter Load Identifier

This is the name of the operating system. When you receive this message, type the name of your operating system, and then press ENTER. This is either Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.

c. You receive a message that is similar to the following:

Enter OS Load options

When you receive this message, type /fastdetect, and then press ENTER.

Note The instructions that appear on your screen may be different, depending on the configuration of your computer.

9. Type exit, and then press ENTER to quit Recovery Console. Your computer restarts, and the updated boot list appears when you receive the "Please select the operating system to start" message.

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